End of Lease Cleaning

Vacate cleaning is a all-encompassing service provided to tenants who are vacating of their rental home. Our cleaning and sanitizing service includes all parts of the property , such as the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, living areas, and outdoor spaces . We aim to ensure that the premises is spotless and sparkling and meets the standards of the property manager. We understand the importance of a full return of the security deposit for our customers, and therefore, provide a bond back guarantee . Our prices start at $149 and depend on the size of the property and the level of cleaning required .

The secret to a successful Rental Inspectionis thorough cleaning

A rental inspection is a stressful time for tenants because it is often the deciding factor in whether they'll get their bond back or not. It is essential to conduct a thorough clean-up of the property prior to when the inspection takes place, so that the landlord or real estate agent can see that the property is in good condition and prepared for the next tenants.

End of Lease Cleaning: How Long Does it Take Professionally?

Moving homes can be exhilarating but also stressful time, especially when it comes to cleaning up the property you're leaving behind. End of lease cleaning isn't just a matter of tidying up and putting away the clutter, but also an opportunity for you to secure the payment to you your bond.

End of Lease Cleaning: How to Select the Best Cleaning Service

The process of moving out of a property that is rented can be a stressful time especially when it comes down to making sure that the property is left in good condition and in a tidy and neat state. This is where end of lease cleaning services are available, however with so many options it is difficult to decide which to pick.

End of Lease Cleaning Made Easy With Us

The process of moving from a rental can be a stressful and overwhelming, particularly when it comes to cleaning the place to ensure that you receive back your bond back. This is the point where end of lease cleaning services help to help.

Why choose us for your end of lease cleaning?

Moving out of a rental home is a stressful time particularly when it involves cleaning the property according to the expectations of the landlord. Many tenants choose to clean the property themselves however, this could be long and tiring.