Bond Back Guarantee

A Guarantee for Bond Back is our assurance to our customers that they’ll get their bond back after our cleaning solutions. As a company that specializes in end of lease cleaning, we comprehend the value of fulfilling the high standards set by property owners and managing agents regarding the condition of the property upon vacating. Our Bond Back Guarantee guarantees that our patrons can enjoy a worry-free experience knowing that we will take care of the clean-up and provide them with a skilled and comprehensive job. Our rates begins from a reasonable $149, making our solutions affordable and accessible to all.

End of Lease Cleaning: How Long Does it Take Professionally?

Moving homes can be exhilarating but also stressful time, especially when it comes to cleaning up the property you're leaving behind. End of lease cleaning isn't just a matter of tidying up and putting away the clutter, but also an opportunity for you to secure the payment to you your bond.

End of Lease Cleaning Made Easy With Us

The process of moving from a rental can be a stressful and overwhelming, particularly when it comes to cleaning the place to ensure that you receive back your bond back. This is the point where end of lease cleaning services help to help.

Why choose us for your end of lease cleaning?

Moving out of a rental home is a stressful time particularly when it involves cleaning the property according to the expectations of the landlord. Many tenants choose to clean the property themselves however, this could be long and tiring.