Bond Cleaning

Cleaning for Bond Back is a specific cleaning option that we provide to our patrons that happen to be moving out of their rental property. It involves a detailed cleaning of the property, covering all areas, surfaces, appliances, and fixtures to guarantee that the property is left in pristine condition for the next tenant. Our Bond Cleaning solution is crafted to fulfill the strict criteria set by landlords and property managers, and we provide a assurance that our patrons will receive their bond back as a result of our cleaning services. Our rates starts at a competitive $149, making our Bond Cleaning solution economical and available to everyone.

End of Lease Cleaning: How Long Does it Take Professionally?

Moving homes can be exhilarating but also stressful time, especially when it comes to cleaning up the property you're leaving behind. End of lease cleaning isn't just a matter of tidying up and putting away the clutter, but also an opportunity for you to secure the payment to you your bond.